Mercedes Martinez vs. Santana Garrett
We go back to the ring and out comes Mercedes Martinez making her return to NXT TV. Santana Garrett waits in the ring.
The bell rings and Mercedes kicks Santana in the gut to start. Mercedes unloads in the corner and beats Garrett down to some boos. Garrett turns it around and applies a submission on their feet. Mercedes turns it around but misses a running attack in the corner.
Garrett with a handspring into the corner but Mercedes comes right out with a running boot to level her. Martinez mounts Garrett in the middle of the ring and works her over. Garrett blocks a suplex and they trade strikes. Garrett misses an Okada Roll. More back and forth now.
Mercedes drops Garrett with a big forearm and gets more boos. Mercedes goes on and hits a Fisherman’s Buster in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.
After the match, Martinez stands tall as the boos hit. She climbs the corner and poses as we go to replays. Martinez stands tall as the boos continue.
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