Mercedes Martinez
Mercedes Martinez is known the world over as one of the very best. A grim-faced brawler with distinctive sleeves of tattoos, Martinez has been a fixture in the industry since 2004, serving as both the foundation and centerpieces of various women’s divisions across several independent promotions. Martinez first appeared on WWE fans’ radar as an entrant in the 2017 and 2018 Mae Young Classic tournaments, where she squared up against the likes of Shayna Baszler, Princesa Sugehit and Meiko Satomura. With towns and accomplishments beyond counting under her belt, Martinez has built the kind of career that is the envy and respect of anyone who wishes to call themselves a professional wrestler, and that’s before she got to NXT. Imagine what she’ll do now that she’s here. More
Where To Watch?
Date: Wednesday Nights
Time: 8 PM ET
Channel: USA Network
Channel: WWE Network
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Mercedes-Martinez.Net is an approved source on NXT Superstar, Mercedes Martinez. We are in no way affiliated with WWE, or any other company. This is strictly a non profit fansite. No copyright infringement is intended. We do not claim ownership over any content posted on the site and give full credit to sources used. All photos, video content & media belong to WWE and all original source. We do not claim ownership of any content. All photos are being used under the Fair Copyright Law 107.copyright to their correct owners. If there are any problems with the information that we post please notify us to have it removed or credited.
Britt Baker & Jamie Hayter vs. Mercedes Martinez & Thunder Rosa
They fight into a commercial break, but back from it Rosa gets the hot tag to Martinez. T-Bone suplex to Hayter. Mercedes gets Hayter isolated before Rosa hits a Thunder Driver clean on Britt Baker for the 1-2-3.
WINNERS: Mercedes Martinez & Thunder Rosa
Thunder Rosa and AEW Women’s World Champion Britt Baker met in the ring to sign the contract for their title match at AEW Revolution. During the signing, Baker harkened back to their now iconic AEW Lights Out match, and brought up the fact that even though Thunder Rosa won, it was Baker that everyone talked about, and Baker who ended up with all of the glory. According to Baker, that made Thunder Rosa “bitter,” and that regardless of what happens at Revolution, she will never be Baker, nor will she ever be as big as the champion.
As Baker signed the contract, Rosa immediately dove across the table at the champion, leading to a massive brawl that ended after Mercedes Martinez arrived to help Thunder Rosa. Martinez grabbed Jamie Hayter (who was in the ring to help Baker) and put her through a table.
No Disqualification Match
Mercedes Martinez vs. Thunder Rosa
Rosa doesn’t wait for the ring to get into the fight. Weapons are used quickly as Rosa pulls out a table from underneath the ring. Mercedes throws her into the steel steps. Rosa fires back by sending her back first into the barricade with kind of a scary fall. The fight goes into the crowd and Rosa leaps off a steel railing with a cross body as we go to break.
Back from it, Mercedes hits a fisherman’s buster on Rosa through a leaning table to the outside. Mercedes props Rosa up in the corner and hoists her on the shoulders for a DVD attempt. Rosa turns it into a Frankensteiner. Rosa puts a trash can over Martinez and nails her patented running dropkick. Rosa drags Martinez over to the corner and climbs up top, but Martinez hits her while up top. Spider German suplex by Mercedes.
Mercedes falls major harsh onto Rosa (she slipped) and it gets a two count. There’s a pile of chairs set up as Merceds goes for a powerbomb, but TR turns it into a crucifix bomb. Rosa hits a Fire Thunder Drive on the chairs. 1-2-3.
WINNER: Thunder Rosa
Post-match, Thunder Rosa gives Mercedes a show of respect after the match and out comes Britt, Jamie Hayter and Rebel. Britt walks up Martin Kove and her sensei tells him to finish her. They attack her and Britt implores Mercedes to finish her. Mercedes hesitates and gets ambushed by Britt’s gang.
Thunder Rosa def. Mercedes Martinez via disqualification.
Rosa starts off on an offensive assault. The brawl goes to the outside and Rosa hits a snap suplex on Mercedes. Mercedes finally turns the tide with aspinebuster before heading to picture-in-picture.
Back from break, Mercedes hits an avalance DVD on Rosa. Rosa hits a modified powerslam and it causes Mercedes to roll out of the ring. She hits Rosa with a lead pipe from underneath the ring. The ref sees it and calls for the bell, making a rare DQ finish.
Backstage Mercedes is confronted by Britt Baker who reveals it was her who had Martinez take Rosa out in such a manner. Now Baker wants her to finish the job or she’ll make sure Mercedes’ time in AEW is shorter than her last run (meaning WWE).
Deonna Purrazzo vs. Mercedes Martinez
Mickie James is on commentary. Deonna immediately attacks Mercedes before the bell rings and continues that assault after. She puts Mercedes in a straight jacket. Mercedes starts to fire back and that leads into a commercial break. Back from it, Mercedes hits a half-and-half suplex for a two count. Finish comes when Deonna reverses a DVD into her Fujiwa armbar for the submission.
WINNER: Deonna Purrazzo
TBS Women’s Championship Tournament Semi-Finals
Jade Cargill vs. Thunder Rosa
Rosa, decked out in X-23/Wolverine garb, dropkicks Jade in the knee. She takes down Sterling too. Jade attacks her from behind because of that. Rosa breaks the count. Rosa leaps off the apron and Jade catches her for a backbreaker. Impressive. Rosa attacks the knee again. Fight still goes down on the outside. Jade gets her nee wrapped on the barricade and breaks the count, before slamming Rosa into the ring post. Action gets back in the ring. Rosa escapes a diving back elbow and hits a dragon screw over the ropes. Rosa dropkicks Jade’s leg several times in the corner to Cargill. The focus is one her leg. Cargill gets a gutwrench Canadian Beckbreaker to Rosa, but Rosa hits a kneebreaker. Figure four leg lock.
Sterling gets on the apron, Rosa goes for a figure four again, but Jade shoves her into the turnbuckle. A hooded figure comes out and smashes Rosa with something. Jade gets the pinfall and the W.
WINNER and ADVANCING: Jade Cargill
Post-match, Rosa attacks Cargill, but the hooded figure comes out and attacks Rosa. It’s Mercedes Martinez.
IMPACT Knockouts Championship
Madison Rayne (with Kaleb with a K) vs. Mickie James (c)
The two women lock up and Rayne leverages Mickie’s arm but Mickie turns it around. Locked in a stretch, Mickie makes it to the ropes. Mickie later punts Madison and coves for atwo. Kaleb tries to tug Madison free and that opens up a moment for her to capitalize. Madison gets flap-jacked. Kaleb pushes her off the top rope. Madison is in control now. It takes awhile, but Mickie builds momentum and hits a neckbreaker. Madison hits a rip chord cutter for a two count.
Mickie falls to the outside and Kaleb goes to slap her, but hits the ring post. She flings him into the steps. Mickie leaps off top for a Thesz Press and it’s good enough for the win.
WINNER and STILL IMPACT Knockouts Champion: Mickie James
Post-match, Mercedes Martinez comes out. She grabs a mic. She thanks the fans and congrats Mickie. Every time people put Mickie down, she steps up to the plat. She’s not here to put her over, she’s here to challenge Mickie. She won the Knockouts Knockdown tournament and Mercedes will see her at Turning Point
All four start brawling at the offset but the referee sends the women outside. Atlas and Boa continue trading in the ring. Boa kicks Atlas but gets caught with a springboard arm-drag. Xia and Martinez tag in and Li hits a lariat, then puts her in the corner for a forearm smash. Li stomps her in the corner and wants a suplex but Martinez blocks it and rolls her up for two. Martinez hits a back body drop and Li rolls outside to regroup. Martinez shouts at Mei Ying, asking if she’s watching.
*Commercial Break*
We’re back live with the men trading again. Atlas tosses Boa over the ropes and tags Mercedes, which brings Xia in as well. Martinez lands a flurry of axe handles and gets Li up top for a double underhook superplex. Boa breaks the pin and Martinez stares at him. Boa makes for her but she ducks and Atlas comes in so they hit a double team sidewalk slam/elbow drop. Martinez drops Xia, then rolls out of the ring and walks towards Mei Ying. Xia attacks her from behind and puts her back inside for an exploder suplex.
Mercedes Martinez vs. Xia Li
Li strong out the gates, wrenching Martinez over the ropes before heading to the floor to ram her into the post! Back inside and out again, Xia firmly in control until Mercedes turns the tide by taking her leg out from under her! Back in, Martinez with palm strikes, reverse a whip, delayed butterfly suplex!
Li gets a pumphandle exploder suplex, but she can’t capitalize and Mercedes Hot Shots her into the turnbuckles! Reverse a knee, roll her through but Martinez hits a jumping knee! Boa saves Li but Mercedes comes after her on the floor and regains control.
Fireman’s carry, she fights out with knees, 540 roundhouse from Xia.
Post-match, Li tries to attack Martinez with a chair but Mercedes cuts her off and wallops Boa with it! She attacks Xia with it as well but the lights flicker and Mei Ying appears on the stage. She goozles Martinez, Mercedes gets away and tries to wallop her with the chair but just gets re-goozled and thrown off the stage and into a cage wall.
As Mercedes Martinez is about to make her entrance. Xi Li attacks her from behind. Martinez fights Li off. Martinez yells ring the bell.
Mercedes Martinez vs. …
Martinez boots her opponet in the face. Martinez picks her up and hits a DVD for the win.
Winner- Mercedes Martinez