Mercedes Martinez

Mercedes Martinez is known the world over as one of the very best. A grim-faced brawler with distinctive sleeves of tattoos, Martinez has been a fixture in the industry since 2004, serving as both the foundation and centerpieces of various women’s divisions across several independent promotions. Martinez first appeared on WWE fans’ radar as an entrant in the 2017 and 2018 Mae Young Classic tournaments, where she squared up against the likes of Shayna Baszler, Princesa Sugehit and Meiko Satomura. With towns and accomplishments beyond counting under her belt, Martinez has built the kind of career that is the envy and respect of anyone who wishes to call themselves a professional wrestler, and that’s before she got to NXT. Imagine what she’ll do now that she’s here. More
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Date: Wednesday Nights
Time: 8 PM ET
Channel: USA Network


Channel: WWE Network

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  NXT TakeOver Vengeance Day 21 Results 
  POSTED BY: mercedeswpadmin   CATEGORY: Pay Per View

Triple Threat for the NXT Women’s Title: Toni Storm vs. Mercedes Martinez vs. Io Shirai

We go back to the ring and out first comes Mercedes Martinez as the boos start up. Toni Storm is out next, followed by NXT Women’s Champion Io Shirai. We get formal ring introductions from Alicia Taylor but Martinez doesn’t wait, she attacks Shirai and knocks her to the floor.

Storm attacks Martinez but Martinez beats her down and mounts her. Shirai runs back in and drops Martinez, covering for a 2 count. Shirai ends up sending Martinez to the floor but Storm attacks from behind. Storm drops Shirai and they run the ropes with counters. Shirai rolls Storm up and drops her face-first. Shirai knocks Martinez off the apron as she tries to re-enter. Shirai blocks Storm and drops her, then stomps on her for a pop.

Shirai stomps away on Storm while she’s down in the corner now. Storm catches a slingshot kick and ends up leveling Shirai with a running boot. Storm with a running clothesline against the ropes. Martinez decks Storm from the floor and drops her on the floor but they both land hard. Shirai goes for a moonsault from the apron but Martinez moves and Shirai crashes into the barrier. Martinez attacks and clotheslines Shirai over the barrier into the crowd.

Martinez brings Storm in the ring and covers for 2. Martinez goes on and does the Three Amigos on Storm but Shirai interrupts them with a missile dropkick. Shirai with running knees in the corner to Martinez. She runs again but Storm catches her in the big sidewalk slam. Storm runs and splashes Shirai in the corner. She charges again but Martinez catches her with a Spinebuster for 2. Shirai gets locked in a submission but it’s broken. Shirai grounds Storm in a submission now. Martinez gets on top of both of them and applies a Dragon Sleeper to Shirai. Storm is on the bottom of the stack but she rolls away. Martinez with a big Exploder suplex to Shirai now.

Shirai goes on and hits a 619 to Martinez, then sends her to the floor with a missile dropkick. Storm attacks Shirai and takes her to the top for a superplex but Martinez interrupts and Shirai gets knocked to the floor. Martinez climbs up on Storm and unloads with clubbing blows to the back. Martinez with a super German to Storm. Martinez ends up in a Tree of Woe in the corner. Shirai comes back to the top and decks Martinez, then hits the huge double stomp while Martinez is turned upside down.

Shirai attacks Mercedes on the floor but Martinez ends up launching her into the Plexiglas and she goes down hard. Storm comes out and drops Martinez on the floor. Storm takes apart the top of the announce table now while her opponents are down. Storm goes to slam Martinez on the announce table but Martinez counters with a DDT on the floor. We see Shirai up high on the lighting rig now. She leaps out and takes down both opponents on the floor with a huge splash. Fans chant “NXT!” as the referee checks on all three Superstars.

Martinez gets up first. She launches Shirai into the steel ring steps spine-first. Shirai lands hard as fans boo Martinez. Martinez gets the upperhand on Storm and brings her back in, running over her with a knee to the jaw. Martinez grabs Storm by the arms and pulls her into multiple knee strikes to the face. Shirai is still down on the outside. Martinez hits her Fisherman’s Buster on Storm in the middle of the ring but Storm kicks out just in time. Storm slides off Mercedes’ shoulders and lands a big headbutt. Storm nails Storm Zero in the middle of the ring for a close 2 count.

Storm can’t believe the kick out. Fans chant “NXT!” now. Storm with a big flying headbutt to the stomach. Storm covers for the pin on Martinez but Shirai breaks it up with a moonsault from the top out of nowhere. Shirai pushes Storm to the side and covers Martinez for the pin to retain.

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  Royal Rumble – January 26th, 2020 
  POSTED BY: mercedeswpadmin   CATEGORY: Pay Per View


30-Woman Royal Rumble Match

The #6 spot goes to Mercedes Martinez of NXT. Martinez hits the ring and levels Holly with a big boot. Martinez slams Cross next. Bliss attacks but Martinez slams her face-first. Martinez sends Lana to the apron and they tangle. The next person out is Liv Morgan. Liv runs to the ring and eliminates Lana immediately. Fans pop. Lana throws a fit at ringside, yelling at the referee about how she won’t leave. Liv laughs. Liv turns around to Mercedes.

Mercedes sends her to the apron but Liv fights her off. Lana eliminates Liv and fans boo. Liv and Lana brawl at ringside now. Referees finally break them up.

Mandy Rose is out next. Cross tells Rose to bring it. She charges and Rose drops her with a shoulder. Rose sends Cross to the apron but she fights back in. Bliss works on Belair. Cross tackles Rose and unloads on her. The #9 spot goes to Candice LeRae from NXT.

LeRae hits the ring and unloads. LeRae hits a moonsault on Cross. Belair eliminates Holly. Bliss attacks and Rose gets sent out but she lands on top of Otis, who was under the ring hiding. Rose smiles and thanks him, then goes back in the ring to unload on Bliss. Rose works on Bliss now. The #10 spot goes to Sonya Deville. Deville drops LeRae, then Belair, then Cross. Deville with a big knee to Cross. Deville sends Cross to the apron and she hangs on. Otis is still at ringside dancing around. Deville and Rose work on LeRae. Martinez works on Cross. Belair and Bliss trade shots. Deville fights Martinez off now. Bliss and Cross double team Belair. Deville and Martinez continue trading shots in the middle of the ring. Rose and Deville double team Martinez now. Otis is annoying the announcers. Rose and Deville double team Martinez and eliminate her.

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